...Looking at the original idea behind a Wunderkammer, we must understand that the most recent developments, like the world wide web. is but another "object" of what we would have found in a cabinet of the 16th century - the latest man-made developments were presented next to the earliest examples of mankind and botanic world. What defind these objects as wonders were two categories: one it was from a distant place, two it was an item in our cosmos that had not been given the right attention. Hence a botanical cabinet could easily focus on just what was locally accesible, as for the first time, the newly invented microcope (...) allowed research via comparison with other and similar species. A Wunderkammer is therefore the beginning of science in all fields."

Birte Kleemann, In: WUNDERKAMMER, Brooklyn Fine Arts, 2012

I learn about myself by looking at my personal Wunderkammer, F.

W Ateliertisch Wunderkammer Img 0508
Wunderkammer 1 (Superkalifragilistisch...)
Wunderkammer 3 (Du sollst den Mond anmalen)
Wunderkammer 4 (Vater. Mutter. Kinder)
Wunderkammer 5 (o Du mein stilles Tal)
Wunderkammer 7 (wieviel ist eigentlich ewig)
Wunderkammer 15 (Einhorn)
Wunderkammer 9 (Rosebud)